4 Moves, Gee, Delpit, Jordan

Gee: Gee’s quote talks about how for minorities and women will have a hard, or impossible time trying to learn dominant discourses that do not conflict with their own. I think this statement is completely false and just lowers peoples expectations. Once again this statement limits the exact people it speaks about. Those minorities and women shouldn’t be limited to their discourses because Gee says that it is practically impossible for them to learn the dominant ones.

Delpit: I agree with her quote that talks about one of her problems with Gee, specifically when he says that people born into one discourse will find it hard to join new, more dominant, ones. People don’t always have trouble in the way Gee explains, some don’t struggle at all learning a new Discourse, even if it is “more” dominant in Gee’s eyes.

I agree with Delpit when she talks about not only being limited by your genes, but now according to Gee by your Primary Discourse. The part I don’t agree with is that in Delpit’s article she seems to attach meaning to what Gee says, but personally I do not think that his statement about being limited by your primary discourse carries any weight. Your Primary Discourse helps you learn, not the other way around.

Jordan: I agree with Jordan in the passage where she speaks about her students choosing to use Black English instead of  Standard English to help support the death of Reggie. In this instance they prove Gee wrong again because although the students know the dominant discourse of Standard English they choose to use Black English in order to show support for each other and where they had come from

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