I am trying to explore the idea that students separated from their peers, whether for extra help or extra work, feel singled out or like outsiders. I found this through one of the narratives I read th...Read More
In Kayla’s narrative there is a specific section where her story shifts from a victim narrative more towards the rebel side. Alexander stated “Rebels did not necessarily dislike reading an...Read More
Top Left: The first annotation is about how much a teacher/ sponsor can effect you life, and in that case in a negative way. The second talks about how the author the narrative shifted from victim to ...Read More
200 words, roughly. “Literacy, like land, is a valued commodity in this economy, a key resource in gaining profit and edge” (Brandt 558). If literacy is so valued, why might so many of us have suc...Read More
Coordination O: Jordan while teaching a college class had her students read The Color Purple, but the students reaction was nothing like she expected. R: In Jordan’s college class she had been t...Read More
Works Cited Delpit, Lisa. “The Politics of Teaching Literate Discourse.” Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom. New Press, 1995, pp. 545-554. Gee, James Paul. “Literacy, ...Read More