In Kayla’s narrative there is a specific section where her story shifts from a victim narrative more towards the rebel side. Alexander stated “Rebels did not necessarily dislike reading and writing but rather portrayed themselves as resisting the system”. Kayla’s section says “Too much negativity just can’t be ignored, but I did try my hardest, maybe not on everything like I should have, but most things.” As time went on in the class Kayla saw less of a reason to try in his class, rebelling against his awful teaching ways, while previously she had blamed him for her loss of interest in writing.
In Sam’s narrative there is a section where she realizes that writing can bring you closer to others. In Williams article he states “Understanding the source of such resistance allows me to consider how to construct my assignments in creative ways that might engage such students”. Sam’s narrative says “It was pretty interesting to hear the different perspectives of my classmates and even get to know them a little bit more through their writing”. Sam’s perspective comes very close to Williams idea of learning more about students through their writing because they are too nervous to explain it in person. With Sam she quickly realized that you can learn a lot more about people through their writing.
There is a section in Hannah’s narrative where she explains that her writing brought her brother’s memory back to life. Williams connects to this idea when he says “The shift from being a lone hero, overcoming adversity to succeed, to someone who is more critical of his or her literacy practices and sees them more connected to relationships with others”. The section in Hannah’s narrative states “This passage brought my brother back to life”. Through her writing she realized that she could bring life back her brother’s memory even if he couldn’t physically be there with her, which in William’s eyes is where our shift in literacy should go, towards our connections with others.
In Blake’s narrative he describes the section where he decides to take on a harder workload because he realizes that he is fully capable of the higher level of work due to his sponsor. Based on Brandt’s article she says that sponsors “Lend their resources or credibility to the sponsored”. Blake’s narrative said “I know that this is going to be a lot of work; but, I believe this is where I should be. If I apply myself I know I can overcome whatever obstacle there is”. His teacher, or sponsor, made him realize what rushing his work did, all because of a missed period. What he didn’t see until he was in college was that her teaching him this way taught him that he can accomplish anything as long a he tries.